Star Wars Rogue Squadron Online Game Cheats

Star Wars Rogue Squadron Online Game Cheats 3,5/5 2808 votes
  1. Star Wars Rogue Squadron Wiki
  2. Star Wars Rogue Squadron Online Game Cheats Download
  3. Rogue Squadron 3 Cheats
  4. Rogue Squadron 2 Cheat Codes
  5. Star Wars Battlefront Rogue Squadron
  6. Star Wars Rogue Squadron Pc

Find all our Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Cheats for PlayStation. Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. CHEAT: - In the folder PLAYERPROFILES under the folder Rogue Squadron was installed into are the files containing the player info such as current mission number, what medals have been won, what rank the player has achieved, etc. The filename of the first player created for example is PLAYER00.SAV.

  • Cheat Codes

To enter the passcodes, simply click on Settings from the game's console, the click on General. Type in the passcodes into the blank are labeled 'Enter Passcode Here'. To delete a passcode, i.e, the Chicken Passcode (hate being a chicken?), simply click on the passcode, and press Shift-Del.
Funky credits appear like at the end of a Star Wars movie.
Activates Force Feedback for PC Joysticks.
Modifies Force Feedback control for PC Joysitcks
Play as an AT-ST!
Let's you view all the cutscenes. Select 'At the Movies' from the High Scores menu to view the cutscenes. Creates a new menu called Settings on the N64.

Star Wars Rogue Squadron Wiki

Let's you listen to all the sound themes. Select 'Concert Hall' from the High Scores menu to activate.
Gives you unlimited lives.
Gives you all powerups in the game (i.e., advanced blasters, advanced seeker missiles, etc.).
Not a clue..
Gives you infinite secondary weapons, which mostly consists of missiles or bombs.
Hidden secondary weapons.

Star Wars Rogue Squadron Online Game Cheats Download

Unconfirmed. Destroys all Imperial ships on the radar.
Allows you to land and do repairs. Unconfirmed also.
Level Select.
Fly as TIE Interceptor.

Rogue Squadron 3 Cheats

Hard Difficulty.
Alternate Radar.
Shows photos of the development team.
  • Fly Millenium Falcon cheat

Type in passcodes (found in settings)
WOOKIEPELT - Fly Millenium Falcon Submitted by Anil
  • Hints

If you're going after an AT-AT, come in low and slow. Release your cable just as you start to turn; once the cable is set, you'll switch to a distant view and the controls won't be as intuitive, so you'll already want to be turning to keep your bearings. When trying to wrap a tow cable, you'll find that a left-turning path will work the best. Because you get rated on your shooting accuracy, you have to be careful when taking on TIE fighters, as you can find yourself missing an awful lot. Try to figure out their patterns and get in behind, so that your shots will have a higher hit percentage. Avoid taking on the AT-ST and the AT-PT on a head-on run or you'll get chewed up by their blasters. Instead, make a sideways strafe. If possible, make a visual ID of all turreted blasters or missile platforms as soon as you enter an area. Fly low or from the side and take them out first; then you won't have to worry about being shot out of the sky during a dogfight. Don't count on your wingmen to do much at all against airborne foes. When you find yourself in a major furball, fly defensively and always tackle your targets from their weakest sides. Gradually picking away at the enemy is the best way to disperse a major force.
  • Get exclusive Star Wars: Rogue Squadron trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens

Get exclusive Star Wars: Rogue Squadron trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens.

American lowrider game cheats.


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Rogue Squadron 2 Cheat Codes

Star Wars Battlefront Rogue Squadron

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