Harry Potter Chamber Of Secrets Game Boy Advance Cheats

Harry Potter Chamber Of Secrets Game Boy Advance Cheats 3,2/5 8329 votes

First go into battle with the Basilisk use spells in this order: Vermildilius Trio, Skurg Trio, and (CC) Blast Curse and Beat it. Then start a new game on that file and you well be invincible. This page contains Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for Game Boy Advance. Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets. Smite anti cheat stopping game from launching. Right now we have 2 Cheats and etc for this game and every day we increase our collection with new Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets cheats If you can not find the needed cheat in our.

Get the latest Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox (Xbox). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets on the GameBoy Advance, with a game help system for those that are stuck.

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Get the latest Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

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Even Easier Way To Get Beans

If you go to the 1st floor you will see a littlevase that is black next to a bookcase. If youflipindo that and you get beans you then rundown that hall NOT GOING THREW ANY DOORS and youthen stand next to a door in that hallway and goback you may get more beans until you reachcapaticy.

Second Floor Shortcut

To get to the Second floor faster than usual, stand up-close to the Fat Lady portrait, facing her. After that, goas far as you can left, or until you hit that book case.Then there should be a passage under the book casethat you can crawl into.

Escaping The Slytherins

When you are in the Slytherin common room andneed to get out, hide behind the pillar on theright side and wait for the girl to pass. Next,go into the room on your left and stay behind thedoor. The girl will return and look around. Shewill not see you. After she walks away, run andjump to avoid being captured. As soon as you exitthe room, go to your left. Once there, startrunning to the door to avoid being captured. Thismay take a few attempts, as there are many peoplewaiting by the door. Run very fast instead ofcreeping there -- the Slytherins do not catch onvery quickly that you are there.

Deduct Points From Slytherin

When Hermione changes you into Goyle, go out atnight and try to get caught by the Prefects (thepeople that patrol the halls). When you do,Slytherin will get 5 house points deducted. Youmay repeat this process a few times, but afterawhile this will stop.

Expelliarmus Challenge

Use your spell that cuts down tapestries andropes on the spiked ball. Walk up close to theedge and hold your trigger button, charge up fora half second and cast. Note: If you throw theimps into the fiery pits, they will die and youdo not have to worry about them. Likewise, if youthrow them all away you cannot put them into thecages to get out; but when all are indeed gone,they respawn from that hatch in the wall at thefirst ramp.

Professor Flitwick's Incedio Challenge

Once you get the Incedio Spell, return to themain room and make sure the two pillars are down.Go into one of them and switch the flamedirection so that the flames are both are on oneside of the room. On the other side, use Incedioto light the pigs and Flapendo to point them upto lift the platform; then again on the otherone. Run quickly to the switch by the exit. Ifsuccessful the door, will be unlocked halfway.You will need to do likewise with the other side.Note: You do not have to charge at all -- thisgives you a few extra needed seconds.

Fighting With Expelliarmus

When in one of the few battles with Hogwart'sstudents (just the Slytherin Gang, all othersleave you alone), let them make the first shotand bounce it back. Just as you do, use yourFlapendo with a quarter to half second charge toknock them back, thus trapping them with twospells to knock back, which they can nevermanage. Note: Beware, just as you finish castingFlapendo (depending on distance), you will beforced to use your Expelliarmus almost instantly.

Defeating The Basilisk

Grab the sword, but do not attempt to hit it whenyou get the first chance. When the basilisk getsvery tall and green appears from its mouth, usethe sword on the black diamond on his chest whilehe is up. To do that, make sure you lock on thenattack. Continue to do this and he will bedefeated soon. Note: Only attack him while hishead is far above the ground.You can use either Flipendo or Incendio(recommended). Let get fully powered, aim at itsscales (not its head) and release the button.After five to ten hits, you should defeat it.Also, do not touch the snake or let it touch you.If you do, you will be poisoned. Watch out -- itwill get mad and 'stomp' to make the stalactitesfall. After losing a third of its health, it willstart to shoot poison out of its mouth.

Defeating The Giant Mother Spider

To get to it, use your Lumos spell to light thefloor and follow the trail of spiders. Unlike thebook, the spiders that are not normal size willtry to kill you. Attack them with Incendio. Whenfighting the Giant Mother Spider, do not try tohurt the spider itself. Instead, use yourIncendio spell to burn the web it has attached tothe various trees. When done, it will fall intothe pit and you will slip in after it. In here,just run around until it rears its head andexposes its soft under-belly. It is the only partthat is susceptible to second level magic. Note:It is best to not charge and use rapid firing toget a little extra damage.

Defeating The Giant Mother Spider 2

While fighting it, you may notice little sacksbeing dropped and suspended by webbing. Shootthem down with Flapendo and collect health andBean power ups from Hedwig.

Defeating The Giant Spider

To defeat the Giant Spider in the Dark Forest,circle around him and cast Rictosempra. He willnot shoot any spider webs at you.

Easy Duel Win

When the Whomping Willow starts to pound into theground, hide in the corner where you entered itslair. The shock wave cannot reach you in here,unless you stray too far from it. Should you gethit, you should have refilled your potion Vilebefore you entered. Also, Hedwig will dropCauldron Cakes and Beans for your aid. Note:Rapid firing technique is recommended. Lock on tothe limbs after they finish pounding and fire aquick shot, then wait to lock onto the Willow'sEye. Then, fire repeatedly until it stops hurtinghim before running back to your hiding hole.

Personal Requests And Notice Board

The Notice Board in the Gryffondor common roomusually gives a location, but higher up as younear completion they start to give vague clues,such as 'Could be anywhere on grounds'. Withpersonal requests, they do not ever really giveyou a clue, except the first one. However, theitems are near the area in about a two acresearch range.

The 24 Famous Witches And Wizards Cards

After you acquire the spell and return to themain room, use it to get across the room on theother side of the gargoyle. You will need to usethe hardly visible ledges to cross. Hang off thewall ledge to escape nearing ghosts, and pushdown the slabs to make a bridge. Once this isdone, you will have to fight the gargoyle. It isrecommended that you get on the right staircase,halfway up. Then, use the spell on the last stoneand the door will open.

Forbidden Forest Spiders

After talking to Fred and George, go to the rightof the greenhouse and cast Alohomora the hedgeseparating it from the wall. Follow the passageto a small courtyard. Cast Alohomora on thestatues to get the Card.

Mysterious Shadow

Go to the sixth floor. There should be two doors.If you look around the room, you might see amysterious shadow moving about the floor of theclassroom. If you get close to the shadow, itdisappears. It does not appear to belong toanyone or anything.

Avoiding Ghosts

When you do not want to be hit by ghosts and loseall your items (Balloons, Beans, and sometimesStink Pellets) just stand on the ledge until thespecter nears you. Tap the Analog-stick so thatyou will fall and catch the ledge. When you arehanging, they cannot hit you and cause your itemsto go flying.Another way to avoid the ghosts and keep fromlosing your collected items is to use Lumos. HoldDown to maximize the spell. The ghosts will nothit you when the light is on. Sometimes thisrequires careful timing because you are trying tosearch and collect items at the same time.

Escape Uppergraders

When you are going to get caught by anUppergrader and he uses the Locomotomortis spell,use the shield spell to stop it and run away. Ifdone correctly, he will say 'Did any one seehim?'.

Bertie Botts Bean Bag (100 Bean Capacity)

Use the Skurge spell on a chest covered inectoplasm behind a tapestry (you need thescissors spell) on the third floor, by theDefense against the Black Arts classroom. Hint:Bertie Botts Bean Bag (200 Bean capacity):Gather every item for the students aroundHogwarts (not the Notice Board). You have toactually find the people. The final person willgive you a key to the confiscated items room. Inthere are six Wizards cards and the biggestBertie Bots Bean Bag.

Easy Sickles

Once you have collected your Standard Book ofSpells (Grade 2) in Diagon Alley, you can castFlipendo to break barrels and uncover Sicklesthat you can use to buy items such as StinkPellets at Gambol and Japes.In Diagon Alley, there are three areas where youcan break the barrels (using Flipendo) to getSickles. Remember to revisit these areas severaltimes to get more Sickles. They return three tofour times after visiting a few shops.

Easy Wizard Cards

Lost And Found

The Following lost and found items must be done in order. But you have to go to the common room and go to the notice board to start the list. Here is the list for the items and their locations.

Easy Bertie Blotts Every Flavor Beans

When you exit of the Gryffindor Tower notice the object in the corner. Hit itwith Flipendo and three Beans will appear. Go around the corner and walk at leastthree steps away. Return and cast Flipendo again to get three more Beans. Repeatthis to get as many Beans as needed.Use the Nimbus 2000 Broomstick and fly above Hogwarts. Fly through the rings toget free Beans. A blue ring gives 10 Beans, a yellow ring gives 1 Bean, a redring gives 3 Beans and a green ring gives 2 Beans.At the beginning at Ron's house is a tool chest in their barn. Every time itmoves on its own means that you can shoot it with Flapendo to get more beans.

Nimbus 2000 Broomstick

On the second day of school, go to the Quidditch practice. Complete the trainingwith a 'B' or better rank to get the Nimbus 2000 flying broomstick. You can nowfly anywhere around the school during the day. Note: You can only land on grassand cannot fly inside the school.

Get 100 Beans Easly

To get 100 beans easly just wait to get theNimbus 2000 from Oliver Wood. Then after Practiceequip your broom and get on it. Then fly threwthe rings to get the beans. I will list the colorof rings and what each ring gives you.1.Orange-1 bean2.Red- 2 beans3.Green- 5 beans4.Blue- 10 beansNote: In order to carry 100 beans you must go toFred and George's shop and purchace the BertiBott bag that will allow you to carry 100 beans.The price of the bag is 20 beans.

Uncover Sickles

Once you have collected your standard book ofspells (grade 2) in Diagon Alley, you can castFlipendo to break barrels and uncover sicklesthat you can use to buy items such as stinkpellets at Gambol and Japes.

Seak On By!

How to sneak past people without being caught: First equip 'stink pellets' or 'balloons to Harry. Then use one of the two (or both) to catch closeby people off gaurd (for a quick moment)!!!

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We have no easter eggs for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Glitch: Impale Harry

Cast Lumos and enter the Quidditch Stadium forpractice. After the FMV sequence, Harry will bein his standing position, but will have hisNimbus 2000 going through his body. You can flyslower and turn sharper. Note: You cannot catchthe Snitch.

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Get the latest Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation (PSX). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation cheats we have available for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Tarantula's Location

When the Message Board in the Common Room tellsyou that you need to find the tarantula, go tothe Herbology Greenhouse. Outside, on the wallclosest to Hagrid's Hut, there is a place tocrawl under the wall. This will lead you to anarea adjacent to the Greenhouse that normally isnot found.

Go Even Faster Down The Slide To The Chamber Of Secrets

When you are going to the Chamber of Secrets, youdown a big slide. You are timed. The game tellsyou you to press (X) to go faster, but thatdoesn't work. You need to hold the up button togo faster.

Getting Wizard Cards

When you're at Professor Lockhart's DefenseAgainst the Dark Arts Lesson, just get an A andyou will get a wizard card. Count 1, 2 ,3 reallyfast and you will get high percentages. Justremember, it matters on how you count thenumbers.

Secrets Under Bookshelves.

When you are at Hogwarts you can go up to abookshelve and sometimes it will say ' Crawl 'and it will let you go to secret hallways.

How To De-Gnome The Garden And Pumpkin Patch

For an eaiser way then using your thumb andholding it in your hand, set it on the ground andstart taping it quickly. Then get ready to lethim fly.

Get Nimbus 2000

Finish the training at Quidditch practice on daytwo with a grade of 'B' or better and you willearn the Nimbus 2000 so that you can flyanywhere around the school!

Don't Have To Kill Basilisk

Harry Potter Chamber Of Secrets Game Boy Advance Cheats Free

After you 'duel' the Basilisk, you have tokill. But, in the duel, if you die the same timeyou beat him, then you will come to the hospitalmenu. When you do click Continue.Then the basilisk will be dead!

Gadding With Ghouls

Message Board item. Found out by the lake, flyover the drawbridge it is by a single tree on theground

Follow Ron

When you are following Ron don't go on the brownslippery stuff. Go all the way on the sides andkeep on running and it will be faster and safer.

Cards For De-Gnoming

At Ron's house and Hagrid's pumkin patch hit thefour objects at each place and recieve a freecard for free. It will take a while, but you willget the cards sooner or later. :)

Unlock All Folio Magi (GameShark)

Harry Potter Chamber Of Secrets Game Boy Advance Walkthrough

800844F0 FFFF

Unlock All Folio Magi (GameShark)


Unlimited Health

At the main menu hold L1 and press Square,Circle, Square, Circle, Up, Down, Left, Right.After losing Health during game play, press startthen hold L1 till your Health is back to full.

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We have no easter eggs for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.