Halo 1 Game Cheats

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Get the latest Halo cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox (Xbox). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Back At It (5 points): Halo 2: Play a game of Halo 2 Anniversary on the 9th of any month. Back for More (30 points): Halo 2: Complete the LASO campaign playlist. Tighten Up The Graphics (10 points): Halo 2: Complete every level of Halo 2 having seen it in both classic and remastered mode. Watch Halo: Nightfall - Episode 1, 'Second Story'. Nightfall Armour: Watch ALL 5 episodes of Halo: Nightfall. Mark VI (Gen 1) Armour and Helmet: Unlock the 'Your Journey Begins' Achievement in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Mark VI (Gen 1) Scarred Armour and Helmet: Unlock the 'Cairo Stations' Achievement in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. These cheats are ONLY for the Custom Edition of Halo: Combat Evolved. Open the properties window of the Halo shortcut and add “ -console –devmode” after the target. Start the game with the. Get the latest Halo cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox (Xbox). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox cheats we have available for Halo. Hacks and cheats make legendary games like Halo: Combat Evolved even more enjoyable. Considering the game was released in 2001, there is still a hugely dedicated community surrounding hacks and glitches for Halo 1.

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox cheats we have available for Halo.

Hidden Item Stash

On the 4th level, Assault on the controlroom, on the part where you cross a landbridgeand get one of the banshees (if you beat theelite to it), You will most definately notice thehuge structure to your left. At the very bottom,there is a piece of it that stretches almostacross the whole area and kind of splits theground open. Go down there, under the structureand there are all kinds of ammo and guns andhealth and stuff like that. Very helpful when youplay it on legendary.

Sniper Rifle BLAM!!

When playing in a multiplayer game, go to battle creek and go to the area where the camouflage is (picking it up is optional), and go to the ladder beside it, and climb up.Up there you will see a Sniper Rifle, pick it up.Continue walking until you see a ledge (do not fall off).Turn left and look up until you see another ledge.Jump up on the ledge and when you are up there, take out your sniper rifle and look at your radar.Once the other player is in your sight, snipe him (you can do this over and over before he finally figures out where you are).

Three Guns

Talk to captain keyes on the pillar of Autumn after he hands you the gun run like hell then go the way you normally go and there would be no grunts then pick up the assault rifle and then kill a elite or two and then pick up the plasma rifle then go back to the bridge and when it says checkpoint done go back and you will see grunts press y then kill the grunts with the pistol and after that if you did it right you should have the assault rifle/the pistol/and the plasma rifle.

Assault On The Control Room No Enemies

(Requires 2 Players) On Assault on the controlroom, the one that says I would have been yourdaddy at the beginning. make your way threw thelevel as normal until you get to the firstbridge. When you get to the bridge, kill allenemies. Now go down the stairs on the side ofthe bridge. When you are on the lower part ofthe bridge go to the walk to the end of thebridge. Look down and make sure there is alittle place for you to land then walk off.After a few try’s you should be down there. nowhave p2 kill them selves so they will appear byyou. Now with p2 with you jump of and die. Youwill now appear by p2 with full health. Keepwalking off the ledge and trying to land on thewhite land below you, when you find the spotwhere you land and slide off. have p2 hit theexact spot before p1 respawns. if done correctlyp1 will respawn where you slid off. Now with p1just slide down the rock to the ground, therewill be about 7 marines and a warthog. if youcontinue threw the mission there will not be anyenemies, but you will find the scorpian, and youcan find 3 banshees and tons of ghost this trickis not fake it will take a lot of try's.

Alternate Ending Sequence

Successfully complete the game in campaign mode on the legendary difficultysetting to view a different and longer ending sequence.

Kill A Scorpion

I played a game with my dad and he took a tank and kept killing me so I used a plasma grenade [best if used] and threw it at the scorpion and it stuck to it and killed him and he figured it work and started doing that but he had bad aim so make sure the other person doesnt know about it.

Dirty Trick

If you ever play co-op play in multiplayer, there is one dirty tricks that I know >:). In this trick I like to do it in level 2. There's a sniper rifle in one of the places where the survivors are. Let your friend get it. Then tell him to a good view where you can snipe your foes. Right when your friend is busy scoping then quickly hit him on the back.

The Pelican Flying Away While Your In It

This glitch is in the level 'I would have been your daddy. ' When you get out of the pelican, it shows the words 'get into the pelican seat. ' Then try getting in the pelican as quick as you can before the pelican goes away by pressing the button that allows you to go inside a vehicle. When you get in the pelican, the pelican starts to fly away while your in it. Then it starts to rise up and when it rises up all the way, then you'll die.

Lunch Menu

On the pillar of autumn when you get the first Assault rifle walk up till you see a little board on the corner of your eye in black. Turn go up to it and zoom in on the menu or don't (if you have good eyes)and it'll say stuff like turkey cheeseburger, hamburger, chef's special, coffee, lemonade, hot chocolate, chef's surprise and some other stuff.

Easy Start On The Middle Of Assult Of The Control R Oom

On the part when a marine says 'shhh, anybody hear that. Oh man covanant dropship in bound take cover'. That part. So do you want all of those marines follow you and even the two sgt? I will show and I will give you just the 2 steps. 1 . Make sure you shoot every single covanant grunt/elite and even the hunters that you can find. 2 . Warning:don't let the grunts throw the ganades. Then keep on going to those big tubes. (Tip:don't ride the scorpin). Another Tip:don't take the camo then that way the marines can't see you that well. Then keep on going and be careful of the camo elite then when you are at the hill it will be much easier because of the marines then after that they can't go even farther so shoot the faces of them really you should. (Start the sgt first because they have snipps.)

Back Hitting

On the level the silent protogaer when you all ready open that door that was locked go in and at the end of the hall you should see a demon you know one of those big guys. Then move slowly to him and when your close enough to hit him then just PUNCH THE BLOOD OUT OF HIM! (Warning:be careful to not being spotted espeaily in LEAGENDARY.

The Hunter's Weaknees

Ever getting tired of when the hunters charge at you and it makes serious damage? Well here is how you beat them. Find a needler and MAKE SURE YOU USE ALL THE BULLETS. I mean not all the bullets I meant all the bullets out of your gun then reload. (Tip:don't shoot the blade of the hunters because the bullets will just bounce off just hit them in the back or their chest.)

Crazy Marines

On 343 guilty spark, go to the room where the floodfirst get guns (after the elevator ride with gruntblood on the wall). Go in the next room withmarines in it. Kill the flood and savemarines (don't take the camo, so they focus on youmore than the marines). If you saved anyone, they'llrun in circles saying crazy things!

Halo 1 game cheats for xbox

Halo 1 Game Cheats For Xbox

Headless Master Chief

On pillar of autumn, get out of the cryo tubething. Then immediately jump back in and crouchuntil it closes. When you see chief's body, therewon't be a head!

REX In Blood

On the maw, make that big warthog jump butinstead, tilt right a little to land on aplatform (if you fell to your death,you went toofar!). Now park the warthog against the wall andget up to higher land (if you're not there already)and go to the tunnel to the right. Written inblood, you should see 'REX'!

Homemade Grenade Launcher

Making a homemade grenade launcher is easy. Firstget two plasma grenades then throw a plasmagrenade from a medium distance then throw anotherin the same spot. If done correctly the firstwill blow and shoot the other the direction itwas pointing. Thats my homemade grenadelauncher!!!!!

Suicide Bomber

When playing in Capture the Flag with multiplepeople, it is helpful to kill the peopledefending the base first. Therefore, have ateamate through a plasma grenade on you then runright towards your enemy squad. Have yourteamate steal the flag and be victorious. Worksbest when playing 4 v 4.

Suicidle Grunt!

On a lot of areas this works and it isfunny.What you have to do is get a vehicle andget a covenant[flood] to jump when you are by acliff by driving at it if you do it rite theywill jump off the cliff.

Halo: Level 2

If you can't figure out how to beat this board,don't feel sad. I had a tough time too. When theobjective 'stay with the human survivors comes up,don't listen to it after you defeat all of theenemys. You have to walk away. Then a nav pointwill come up. Follow it up and around themountain. Thats the second one. Now go away fromthere and look around for the third one. There areonly 3 areas to find. FLASHING LIGHTS INDICATE AWAY TO A BASE. After you do all 3 bases, board thePelican and advance to the next level. The captainis on the next level, no

Never Die In Co-ed

If you and someone else are playing in CO-OPERATE MODE, then do this to never die. When there are Covenant or Flood around that are too hard to beat, have one player go up and try to kill them while the other player stays far away out of the Covenant's or the Flood's sight. If your partner is killed by the Covenant or the Flood, he will come back to live right by you, whom is out the Covenant's or the Flood's sight, so, if you do this, you can easily kill the Covenant or Flood that are in your way at the moment without having to die and go back to your last Checkpoint. NOTE!: this ONLY works in CO-ED MODE.


¤If you use the sniper rifle a lot then youneed to know how to use it. There are 3 goodbody parts to shoot at. When aiming at yourvictim the best place to take your shot is in thehead. You have an 100% chance of killing him in1-2 shots. The second best place is in the neck,and the third is in the chest. Shots in thelimbs will take too many shots.

Drive In Water

On the level: The Cartographer, when you get theWarthogg, you can drive in the water instead ofdoing the mission. Or if you want to do themission, do it. But after, don't get in theplane, instead fing a warthogg, and GO FOR AJOYRIDE. (You don't lose any heath either!!!)

Banshee Shortcut

On the snow level that it says 'I would have beenyour daddy' when it says 'I wish I had a superweapon' thier should be a banshee. Rush towardsit and kill the Elite before he gets in it. Getin and fly to that building. If you miss thebanshee here's a back-up plan. Jump on to theskinny ledge and walk up it until you thinkyou'll lose least health falling then jump andmaybe you'll get that super weapon.

Multyplayer Hint:

if someones in a ghost and there about to run youover throw a grenade in front of u then duck.when they come flying at you the grenade willexplode and send them flying above you makingthem fly out of the ghost. then you should havean easy kill because of the damage inflicted bythe grenade.

Partcail Auto Aim

On any level, with all guns (not sure about veichle guns or alien weapons) the weapon willbriefly follow the enemy when locked on. You have to be standing still while your doing this.'NOTE' You have to be patient, it only works if you are moving the aiming joy stick veryslowly. Example, a zoomed in sniper rifle's aim sight is slowly moving to the right and aCovenant walks throw the Targeting Reticle going left, if it turns red, the Targeting Reticlewill follow enemy, lets say a grunts for a few steps. When the Targeting Reticle startsfollowing the enemy keep your joy stick going the same direction at the same speed as youdid before the Covenant walked throw'NOTE' It doesn't work all the time.

Reduce Falling Impact

When falling off of high places simply lookstrait down at the ground and what would normalyreduce your health greatly, only reduces it abouthalf.

Super High Warthog, Ghost, Or Super Human Cyborg

On Co-op mode find a Warthog or a Ghost. If youcan't don't worry. Kill all enemies aroundincluding the marines if they are on this level.pick up all the grenades you can. Have yourpartner kill you by meelee in the back. You willdrop all your grenades. Now have your partnerstand where you got killed. Now you kill him thesame way. Now when you are both back, you may goscavenging for dropped grenades. Do thisrepeatedly until there are no more grenades.Therewill be a pile of a ton of grenades. Have oneperson grab A SINGLE GRENADE. The other may goget a Ghost,Warthog, or nothing if he wishes andput it over the grenade pile. If you dont want touse a car use your partner! Both of you shouldhave P.P. (plasma pistols) Before anything elseFIND A CHECKPOINT NEARBY. STAND BACK! Have theone with the grenade throw it onto the pile. Itwill explode multiple times throwing the vehicleat extraoridinary heights. Now you can have funtrying to shoot it with you P.P.

Halo 1 Game Cheats

Faster Reloading

to reload most weapons faster, press x thenshortly after that press b to melee. note: forthe shotgun this will cause you to stopreloading all together

Two Betrayals Note: It Only Works On Coop Mode

Two Betrayals is the stage after the Library andbefore Keyes. Before you destroy the fist andsecond pulse generators, have one person stay inthe hallway. Have them be right in front of theteleporter that you hit on the way out. After theother person destroys the generator teleport himor her so theay don't have to fight the flood orany sentenals.

Infinite Shotgun Ammo

In any level you have a shotgun,as soon as yourout of bullets for 1 round,when he reloads 1bullet for the next round,switch your weapon.Goback to the shotgun and you still have 1 bulletfrom the same round!!NOTE:It does not work on other weapons.But Inever tried the Sniper Rifle.Try it to see if itworks.

Hunter Kill Tip Barrel Shot

If you get a chance to kill a hunter with asniper rifle and he wont turn around, wait for agood shot down his barrel and fire. This shouldkill him if not you can shoot his neck.

End Level 5 Fast

First get the S2-AM Sniper Rifle from besidethe flipped M12 LRV Warthog after taking all thefirst few Covenent out. Later when thechapter 'If I had a Super Weapon' opens. Enter a2x magnification on the S2-AM Sniper Riflebefore opening the door. Take out the Eliteclosest to the FIRST BANSHEE. Don't worry aboutthe Elite closest to you, he won't go for thatbanshee. Take out the first group of Covenenttroops and then go for the banshee. Ingore theother flying banshee and head to the top of thestructure on your left. Land in the roofedsection with the large door and exit the banshee.Open the door and quickly get into your banshee.Take out the Gold type Elite with the plasmasword FIRST!!! Take out as many of the Grunts asposible. On Heroic and Legendary it is wisest toexit the banshee when the vehicle integrity red-lines. Here is where the S2-AM Sniper Rifle comesinto play again. If the banshee is out of yourline of fire you can snipe all of the remaningCovenent. (Die slow)

Halo 1 game cheats for xbox

Invincible Marines

Tired of your fellow humans dieing so easy?Here's a way to make them invincible. In thefirst level, Captain Keyes gives you a pistol. Gothrough the hallways until your pistol is takenout automatically. Then go back to Captain Keyesand kill him. You can also kill any of the crewmembers that are present in that room. When thishappens, your fellow Marines become invincible.Unfortunately, you are trapped in the room andthe Marines are after you! No matter how hard youtry, you can not kill these Marines. Grenades areuseless. In Co-op mode, your partner will beteleported to this room. You can hide in thewindow part where a ladder is located. How longcan YOU survive!


In the level Assualt on the Control Room. Whenyou are crossing a land bridge there will be twoElites guarding banshees, one behind the other.Ifare playing two player co-op mode or you grabbedthe sniper rifle earlier you can snipe the eliteand take one.If you are on co-op mode the personwho grabbed the banshee go and kill the otherelite.He may already grab it and fly when yougrab the first one.But if he doesn't, have thepilot of the banshee go to shoot it with theother player following close behind becuase thereis another elite. If you get both of thebanshee's or one on one player fly toward thestructure. If you land you can open the door.HINT: If you are a talented pilot there is asmall ledge and you may hover and get out beforethe other opens the door.You can shoot theCovenentwithout them knowing from the ledge.Whenthe Covenent are all dead you can get down fromthe ledge and go the the level until it iscomplete.

The NO-flipside

Whenever you're driving the warthog and you havea pretty good idea that it's going to flip, justrotate the camera angle 360* while still in theair,until you hit the ground and more often thennot you will land on all fours. There's a bonusto, if you have marines riding with you and it'sa long fall they yell some pretty funny stuff.

Flipping The Wraith Tanks

Yup, it is very annoying to get beamed by agiant ball of plasma launched from something thatmoves slower Than your grandma on steroids. Well,this'll help but it is not the recommendedprocedure. If you can manage to hit it justright, you can flip the covenant mortar tanks byramming them with the warthog. And when you flipthem over, it's really funny. It's like 'Yeahyou're screwed now.'

343 Guilty Spark

When the video for 343 guilty spark starts holddown the grenade button when the ship lands hewill throw a plasma grenade. make sure to stay onthe ship dont jump off,then make sure to keepholding the button then in about 10 secs the shipwill start going back up in the air you can thenlet go of the button the ship will fly for about10-15 secs then it will crash land you then getout turn diretly around then run and you willsoon camo to a drop were you can jump down andthen go from there this will take about 10 min ofthe game.

How To See The Invisible

To see the invisible enemies the best thing touse is the sniper rifle. All you have to do isuse night vision and it will spot them.

Big Shield/Camoflauge

If you find a clear square with a red circleinside, it's a Big Shield. If you find a cleartriangle with a blue circle inside, it'sCamoflauge.

Get Aliens Guns

First, kill an alien. Then walk up to his gun lyingon the floor and hold X. /blair-witch-game-xbox-one-cheats.html. You will pick up his gun.

Marines Fight You In Heroic

Kill two Marines in a row without shooting a Covenant. When you kill both all others in thearea attack you. It is especially fun to get in the warthog and use the 50mm or a tank andfight them with the rockets and 50mm.

Perfect Snipe Point

On the second level of halo, when you have torescue the three groups of marines, the one wherecortana says something about checking the insideof the stucture before you leave. If you stay tothe right as you enter the area try heading upthe cliff wall there is a little crease in thewall and if you keep one of the tires of thewarthog in the crease you'll be someplace thegame designers didn't want you to be; above everything. From this vantige you can ether snipe thewhole covenent crew or mow them down with thewarthogs gun; no place to hide.

Tank Killa

In Blood Gulch multiplayer mode the pistol is thebest weapon for taking out a tank. Just zoom inand shoot people in the head. It only takes aboutsix shots to completely take out a tank driver.


On the multiplayer level Blood Gulch, if youcapture the enemies flag the other team usuallygoes crazy trying to get to their base to killyou. Remember patience is a virtue. When theother team has reached their base and is openingfire on you go through their teleport and run asfast as you can because they will find out whatyou did and might get a vehicle.Happy Hunting!

Ammunition Set Up

On the final level 'The Maw' when you enter thearmory room there are weapons all over theplace. Dont be fooled, (its better to do this inmultyplayer especily if your doing it inlegendary) gather some ammo and get eiter playerone or two on the right sid of the room when youfirst enter it and zoom in with a rocket launcherat the other end of the room where there is alocked door. Wait ther until you see camoflaugedflood things running out of the door (dont standby door) then get a good aim and blow the freaksup. Then go and stock up on rockets and shotgunsand finish the lvl.

2nd Level Legendary Tips

On the second level where you crash land onHalo, I've already given alot of advice on how toclear the first are up to the part where themarines are. Well, here's how to make it farther.When you first clear the area of aliens just takeoff running toward the cave at the far end of thearea. Stop when you get near the cliff. Ofcourse, all of the marines will die so just chilluntil Cortana says 'We couldn't save them blahblah.' Then creep back up the hill with yourFULLY LOADED pistol and snipe the Elites FIRST.Then go after the jackals, then the grunts.Here's the really fun part. Take off back downthe hill and run to the far left of your positiontowadr the structure that launches the blueplasma beam thingy up in the air but be sure toalmost hug the cliff wall. When you hear enemiesbabbling to each other just get behind a tree ora rock or something and peek out until it's safe.Then, run toward the crashed dropship and gatherammo for the pistol, you really should be out oralmost out by now. do not hang around for therest of the party to arrive as they may havespotted you. Gather amm, health or whatever youneed and return to your position above the samehill where we started this. In other words, Neverrun in and pull a Rambo, just snipe with thepistol and if you have the opportunity, snatch aplasma pistol. They are the only weapons that canreally take down an Elite with almost no hasselon legendary besides the human pistol.(If youhaven't seen where my other tips are to get tothese points on Halo, just look around on thissame page and you can't miss em. Please note thatthese tips are for the Legenadry difficulty leveland on easy and normal and heroic you really cango Rambo on them. Just charge in and blast awaywhile running behind cover occasionally to letyour sheild recharge.)

Cheap Vehicle Kill

First go to edit game type and create a new game with all the vehicles on and thesuicide penelty set at it's maximum (15 Seconds). Now you can do this three ways:Wait until your opponent is going to or around the vehicle (Prefebly The Warthog) thengo to the opposite side and throw a PLASMA grenade on it and if you aimed right, thevehicle will topple your opponent and count as a suicide thus giving you 15 seconds tothink about your next plot!

Advice For The Needy

Ever get really tired of being killed on the first level of Halo? Well I've got some info to help you get things started a little. First, when you land and Cortana starts babbling about the dropships just run across the bridge and get behind the rock on the left on the other side. When you get there you will be able to take out a banshee while taking minimum damage, the other flies away so... Anyway, The dropship drops 2elites, a minor and a major along with a bunch of grunts of different ranks. Stay behind the rock but jump on top and look at the bridge, when the Elites are about halfway across, open fire on them with your pistol, they are likely to ignorantly dive roll right off the bridge and plummit to their death. Snipe the grunts whilethe other Elite (if you didn't manage to get him too) flee for his life. He will more than likey run and duck behind the rock on the other side of the bridge. while he is showing off his cowardliness, take out every grunt. Then fire a few shots toward the rock and say I'm gonna getcha.This is one of few exceptions to charging the enemy on legendary. Run at the elite and empty some cartrides on him from afar with thepistol and switch to the assault rifle when you get close enough and empty some more cartridges. When his sheild is gone, you should be able to introduce the butt of your gun to him a few good times and kill him. Now, you have access to a health pack, a complete reload, some plasma gernades and if you wanna, some alien weaponry.Use simalar tactics throughout the level. There is no remote possibility of even saving one marine so don't even try it. Just get what comes with the warthog and try to get a marine with a sniper rifle as I suggested in a previous hint to get in the passenger side. Finally, DO NOT TRY TO THROW A PLASMA GERNADE INTO A DORPSHIP AND RUN AWAY, YOU WILL BE KILLED BY THE OTHER COVENANT THAT JUMP DOWN.

Level Slicer

On the 'assault on the control room' level, onthe part where you cross a landbridge and twoelites take some banshee's up in the air, you cansnatch one of the banshee's and slice the leveland make it shorter. Just run out and fire alotat the elite that tries for the first banshee youcome to and run up to it and get in and fly tothe door to your left on the ground below at thetop of the structure.

How To Get The Ghost Top Of Buildings

On the level Blood Gultch get in the scorpion andpark it sideways on the little building. Take theghost and go really fast towards the scirpionsside then you will go off and go really high inthe air. If you the scorpion was close enoughyou will land on the top of the building.

Piano Music For The Killer's Soul

In The Assault on the Control Room level, in thelast open area, fly in the banshee up to themiddle blue-green platform (the thin partsurrounding the column) above the exit to thelevel. To get the banshee on the land bridge(right after the 'If I Only Had a Super Weapon'title), snipe/rocket the red elite before he getsin it. Land on the platform and go to the right(facing from the bridge) side. A soft pianomelody will play after a few seconds when you arein the right spot.

Master Chief.. The Super Spy

On the silent cartographer, After the cut scenethat introduces the 'shafted' chapter, You runback to a room where you make a stealth killsmack attack on a poor unsuspecting elite. Inthis room it is possible to make it through theentire room and kill every funky smelling alienjabroni without firing a single shot. Ok this isgonna be a long one. After killing the elite,quickly run up the incline and smack the sleepinggrunt, then quickly run back down the slope andyou will soon see another grunt patroling thehalls above you, when he turns around, do yourthing and give him a nice tap on the cranium withyour gun. Alrighty, run back down the incline andslowly creep through the door while peepingaround the corner at the same time. there are twogrunts walking and one sleeping grunt by the wallon the left in the main room. Smack the firstgrunt (the one walking behind the other) thensmack the other patrolling grunt and take care ofsleepy. Do not go around the structure in themiddle of the room! go back to the door withgreen lights and head back up the incline for thelast time. Your last two foes are just standingat the other side of the room waiting to bebonked over the skull.quickly run to the middlleof the first path and stop where the short wall,pillar type thingy is. now run very quickly onover the rest of the path and make sure not tostop until you are at the edge of the path. Toyour left is an opportunity, a grunt is standingthere overlooking the room, one of two reasons Isaid not to go around the corner of structure inthe middle of the room earlier. Take the gruntout of the game but be careful not to knock himover the side because the second reason why Isaid not to go around the corner of the structurein the middle of the room is waiting at thebottom of the incline in front of you. The eliteis overlooking the room from the bottom floor.Run up behind him and make him realize who hisdaddy is. Now you have accomplished a truestealth mission.

Super Marine

On the second level where you crash land onHalo, go through the level up to the point whereyou are leaving from the place where you activatethe light bridge. When you are leaving, godirectly to the rockslide area first instead ofthe river head. Make the jabroni in the passengerseat get out and get a marine who has a sniperrifle instead to get in - makes life alot easier.The marine will pick off just about every enemyin the area if you can get him a good angle. Isuggest getting a sniper rifle yourself andgetting out of the warthog and helping him snipe,although he doesn't really need your help anyway.

Block Others On Blood Gulch+Sidewinder

Place a vehicle over a jump spot (when you go through the green portals) on the map and your opponent will be stuck there for a easy kill.

Warthog Fireworks

On multiplayer split screen mode go to bloodgulch. Have as many players as possible playing.Have everybody throw plasma grenades at one ofthe warthogs.(make sure averybody is throwinggrenades at the same warthog) The warthog willblow skyhigh and keep blowing in differentdirections from the different grenades. Its anawesome sight ot see.

Keep Going

At the last level, The Maw, you get into aWarthog and procede to escape from The Pillar ofAutumn before it explodes. Cortona radios forFoe-Hammer to come and extract you at the firstnav point. When she tells you to stop and waitfor Foe-Hammer just continue driving because Foe-Hammer get taken out and you can utalize everysecond to get out. So when the next nav pointappears follow it until you reach the spot wherethe red and blue barrels are on fire, then getout of the Warthog (because they barricade you)and run the dozen or so meters to the escape ship.

Don't Leave Your Partner

I will give you a fair warning. On the lastlevel (The Maw), the last part where you mustdrive through The Pillar Of Autumn with thewarthog before it explodes, don't leave yourpartner behind. It may seem funny at the time butlater if you die or make a bad jump on the fallyou will end up with your partner way back whereyou left him trying to get to the warthog!(Happy Traveling) Lego batman psp game cheats.

The Jackal's Weakness

If you have a sniper rifle or a pistol, zoom in on the hole on either side of a jackals sheild. You will see that you can pick them off very easily without having to blast through the sheild using an energy weapon. On legendary this is rather difficult to do because they shoot in damaging bursts and charge up shots, so try and be as quick as possible when doing this.

Home-Made Grenade Launcher

Any time that you can try to make your owngrenade launcher. You should use plasma grenadesfor this. First through a grenade down in frontof you and then through one right in front ofthat one and back up. The first grenade will blowthe other one flying. You can also use a rocketlauncher and a grenade instead of 2 grenades.


When playing Multiplayer mode, make sure to watchout for flying blue orbs. Those are the PlasmaGrenades. If your enemy throws one and it lookslike a good throw that might have stuck on toyou, run up close to him so you can at least takehim with you.

The Aliens With Shields

If you have like a plasma pistol or rilfle andthe alien with the shields come to you, shotthere shield. It should change colors until Itturns red then blows out of there hand. Theyshake off the pain but is enough time to killthem. It is easier this way because to don'thave to aim for there body. They just keep onturning away from you.

Tricky Devil Notes To Survive

Pull your aim a little high: Head shots do in allthe bad guys quicker. Use the shotgun on theflood, especially the large pod type(shoot em' byother flood and the explosion will kill of hisfriends). If you have the oportunity/ammo shootany flood nearby that are already on the groundto konfirm the kill. Throw; frag grenades intocrouds and down hallways, Plasma grenades ontoslow movers and retreating covenant. The littlearm mounted shield guys are not to smart so youcan get behind em' easy and one or two squirtsfrom the A-R does the trick. Most of the smallcovenant are sleeping when you get to em' so justgo arround quietly and club at will. Try to staystill in multiplayer cause' you don't show up onRadar. When you are still keep your aim at thewalls/ground so your friends cant tell where youare. If you are retreating past a corner andbeing folowed throw a frag grenade into the wallin front of you. ONE- the guy behind you cant seeyou throw the grenade while running and will runright on top of it TWO- if you use a plasmagrenade it will stop in the corner where you donot, and cut off his advance.

Marines Fight You

On the first level (Pillar Of Autumn), when you get to the bridge and the captain gives you the gun, go to him and shoot him. Then Cortana will say 'The Master Chief has gone ransack , Call security '. Then a bunch of marines come and attack you. ALL exits are blocked and the marines just keep coming. They talk very bad about you and they can say some funny things. Note this is suicide because they never stop coming and theres no way out. Best place to hide from them is in the bridge under the pilots seat. Havefun killing marines :P .

Getting Your Vehicles More Places

At many points in the game, you will come todoors that open for you, but not for any vehiclethat you happen to be riding. To get your craftbeyond these doors, (Assuming that your vehiclewill fit through the open entrance, and assumingthat there is not a control pannel somewhere thatyou just happened to overlook.), simply ride yourvehicle up against the door and quickly hop outand back into the craft. When preforming this,make sure that the door registers your pedestriancharacter and opens for him. When this simplecycle is completed, the door should remain openbriefly, and your vehicle should be free to passthrough.

How To Shoot Invisible/Camoflauged Aliens

To shoot invisible or camoflauged aliens (on the 2nd level in the Aliens Ship): Whenever you see bullets coming at you with no shooter, move your sights all around the area until the sight turns from blue to red - then BLAST away!

The Little Devils With Sheilds

Ya know those little devils with the sheilds?Arn't they annoying? Don't want to blash throughtheir sheilds and wase ammo? Instead, you can doone of two things. You can shoot they in the arm,gun, or feet. Or you can just run up and plant thebutt of your rifle in them. {Happy Hunting}

CTF Scam..

When playing CTF or any other game type thatrequires a flag, if you choose 'SIDEWINDER' forthe level (preferably CTF) when holding the flag,run to the tunnel when the cloak and oversheildare, w/ either L or R trigger you can throw theflag through the steel gate and return it fromthe other side witha waiting teammate! Howeverthis is highly cheap and will probably spark afew fights amongst friends.

Killin The Covinant Elites

When fighting those sometimes hard to fightCovinant Elites, and their very strong shieldsthat just don't like to give away when you'reusing the human AR or the handgun. I find thatusing plasma weapons against them take theirshields down VERY quickly, but the most effectiveway to do this is to use the plasma pistole, bycharging it up you can take down an elites shieldin one shot. This alows you to save yourgrinades, and after you do that if you're closeenough I find using the butt of your gun doesalot of damage and sometimes kills them in onehit depending were you hit them. Another thingwhen fighting those hard to kill yellow CovinantElites with their energy swords repeat this butnever walk up and hit them with your gun that canbe fatal if you're not quick enough. (HappyHunting)

Sneaky Move

Want to know a cruel move for multiplay games?While other players are bumbling around, pick upan Active Camoflouge pack, and stick a plasmagrenade on the enemy's head!KABOOM!!!(happy day, another kill)

How To Save Ammo And Kill The Alien

Many of you gamers will discover that you can consome bullets very quickly in this game. If you walk up to an alien and push B, you will butt-end them with your gun. This works best ir you hit them in the back. On easy and normal it should kill them instantly but on higher it will take more then just a punch to the neck. Bigger gunswork better.

Killing Hunters With Sniper Rifle

If you have a sniper rifle, you can kill the hunter by shooting the orange part on his back. It is the only part of the body not covered with armor. If not you can just shoot it with a rocket.


Be careful of the Hunters! You need to hit themin the head or body to kill them. They are mostlyarmor.

Plasma Grenade

If your going to use a plasma grenade, try throwing the grenade on the alien where it sticks onto them. It will blow up on them making sure it will kill the alien. Also the aliens will do this to you if you don't move.

Banchy Killing

On the second level, in the beginning, when you first land on Halo, two banchys will fly around shooting you. To save some ammo, just shoot one banchy down and the other one will go away. (Banchys are Covenant machines that fly).

Battling Flood

Using a combination of assault, Shotgun, andgrenades works best..Warning: Only use the [sticky] grenades at a fardistance, especially for the little ones.Shot gun- use on big floods, and little floods.When those little guys, that jump up at you, areall grouped together use the shot gun, it shootsout a lot of bullets at a time (you can see thisif you shoot at a smooth wall, or theground..you can see all the marks it makes).Also close to medium range range to the big guys.Use Assault rifle if the guy is standing still,if he or you are moving too much it screws youraim very badly and you waste bullets and have tore load more often and then they have a clearshot.For the grenades use them when you know somethingis behind a wall, or when you see a lot of floodcoming at you from a safe distance.for sticky grenades you MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER touse them at a safe distance because if you shootit on one of those little guys that follow youyou will get hurt bad too because of the blastthat they brought with them, same with the bigguys; I have learned this because the the MasterChief doesn't run to fast so he cant out run alot of the flood.Don't use your grenades all at once.They are toimportant, and sometimes rarest when you needthem.

Secret Cave

In level 5, there is a secret cave at the bottom of the map entrance. It comes out on the side where they are not expecting a side attack from that side and it shall be easier.

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We have no unlockables for Halo yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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3 Weapon Glitch

On the pillar of autumn level, play throughnormally until you get to the cut scene withcaptain keys. Skip it and as soon as he gives you apistol, immediately turn around and run to whereyou go to play normally. If you were fastenough, there won't be any grunts to kill or youwon't take out your pistol. Play through, but don'tcontinue the level! Instead, play until you get asecond gun (like a plasma pistol or plasmarifle)and go back to captain keys. Then turn backaround and you should get a check point. Now the 3grunts will be out there and you'll have 3 weapons!

Weird UNSC Ranger Glitch In 343 Guilty Spark On Co-Op

If you are playing 343 on Co-op,don't go towardthe crashed Pelican,go backwards.Go through thebushed that 'stops' you from getting past it andkeep walking forward.You will notice a strangeUNSC ranger in the middle of nowhere.If yo tryand shoot him,he will not move,he'll just squirtblood.

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