Crash Bandicoot Ps4 Game Cheats
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Hidden Colored Gem Locations
Red Gem
You’ll find the Red Gem early in the game: it’s in the second level, N. Sanity Peak. Proceed until you reach a series of nine platforms in a grid, phasing in and out of existence. Before entering this chamber, you might have spotted a drawing by the vault door: this drawing tells you what order you need to jump on the platforms. Start with the bottom left, work your way around counterclockwise, then jump from the center-left platform to the middle. This will make the Red Gem appear.
- The best and largest selection of PlayStation 4 (PS4) video game cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthroughs, guides, FAQs, unlockables, secrets, glitches, hints, tips, and tricks. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Finally, a quality sequel to an age-old classic.
- If you go to the level The Long Hall, instead of jumping and completing the game jump to the gem and follow the gem path to crashes girlfriend and you beat the game and you do not have to fight cortex! Do Road To Nowhere In A Snap! When you are on a steady plank, jump on to the rope on either side!!
- The Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy which has been recently released on PS4 collects Crash Bandicoot along with Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, and Crash Bandicoot 3; Warped. These games have been rebuilt on the framework of the originals, designed to fit with modern games and are a pixel perfect remake which looks better in every way.
- Since 1996, has been the world's #1 source for game cheats, codes, guides, hints, news, and tips for Playstation 4 (PS4), Xbox One (X1), Wii U, PlayStation 3 (PS3), Xbox 360 (X360), Windows PC, iPhone, Android, Facebook games, and more. To find all the latest cheats, guides, hints and tips, visit first!
Green Gem
The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, trophies, and secrets for Crash Bandicoot Trilogy for PlayStation 4 (PS4).
You can find this during either Hit the Road or Truck Stopped. After the first leg of the chase, you’ll hop out of the ball by a checkpoint. Don’t proceed just yet; spin into the trashcan nearby to release an RC car and a controller. Spin into the controller a few times to drive the cart into the nearby nitro crate (get it?), which will explode, revealing the Green Gem.
Blue Gem
This difficult Color Gem is found in Draggin’ On. If you’ve already finished the level, you might recall seeing a certain column right at the end–a column with a drawing of a gem and a crossed-out crate. That’s right; you need to get through this entire level without breaking a single crate. That means no checkpoints, no Aku Aku protecting you from damage, and no accidentally spinning into crates with the Dark Matter Mask. We’re not gonna sugarcoat it: this is very, very hard to do, but it can be done. The Blue Gem will be waiting at the end of the level once you manage to pull it off.
Yellow Gem
The last Color Gem is found right at the start of Run It Bayou. Instead of getting on the jetboard, take a long jump to the platform to the northeast. From there, jump across the boxes to the next platform–be sure not to break them all, as you’ll need to use them to get back to safety after collecting the gem. Then take another long jump to the moving platform, from which you can reach the next platform with a stack of boxes. Bounce off of them to grab the Yellow Gem.
Unlockable Skins

- Mother Clucker – get all six gems on Rude Awakening
- Rawkit Red – get all six gems on A Real Grind
- Bright Now – get all six gems on Hit the Road
- Booty Seeker – get all six gems on Booty Calls
- Ze Artiste – get all six gems on Hook, Line, and Sinker
- Totally Tubular – Digital pre-order bonus
- Marsupus Erectus – PS4 timed exclusive, unlocked by default
- Serious Upgrade – PS4 timed exclusive, unlocked by default
- 360 Noscope – sign in to an Activision account
- Big Horn Energy – get all six gems on N. Sanity Peak
- Rawkit Hed – get all six gems in Crash Compactor
- Totally Tubular – Digital pre-order bonus
- Marsupus Erectus – PS4 timed exclusive, unlocked by default
- Serious Upgrade – PS4 timed exclusive, unlocked by default
- 360 Noscope – sign in to an Activision account
- Cheats
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Hold Fruit Bazooka On The Other Side
Keep pressing L2 and Crash might change the holding side of the bazooka. NOTE: This won't always work.
Area 51 Gems
When you unlock the secret area and when you have area 51 unlocked first you need to destroy all boxes and you will earn first gem then be the first one in the finish and you will earn the another gem.
Almost Triple Jump
When you beat dingodile you will note you have the double jump power, but you can jump higher than double jump (You should only walk normally and press circle and while pressing circle you should press fast double jump and you will jump higger ).
Coco´s Acrobacy
If you press square and up at the same time at one speed ramp you will do a backflip (try combing many arrows after square and I'm sure you will have some great tricks).
Spin The Wizard Easily
ON the levels gee wiz, and double header there will be a wizard who shoot balls of magic to you. IT follows you everywhere then it disappears. To avoid this, spin the balls of magic and it disappears.
If you go to level 3 on the first section and collect all of the boxes, you will receive an awesome gem at the end! Good luck ;).
Target Gun
While game playing, hold down L1 and clicktriangle, circle, x, square. To put gun away,press L1. To take it out, press L1.
Fireworks Show
If you collect 30 gold relics, go talk to Coco atthe LOAD/SAVE screen.
Fake Crash Again!!!
If you set 100% completion on Crash3, go to thefirst water ski level and go through the leveland you will find fake crash on the shore dancing(To see him you must get 100 percent, no less, orthis strange glitch will not work).
Future Frenzy Gems
In Future Frenzy, to get both of the gems, firstget 20 relics. After that the secret FutureFrezy will be open to you. Do the secret FutureFrenzy. After you've come to the end of thesecret part of the level, you will get a gem andhave 46 boxes. Then you will be transported TOTHE MIDDLE PART of the normal Future Frenzy. Gobackwards, right back to the beginning and getthe boxes as you go along. Then go forwardsagain and do the level normally. Be sure to getthe rest of the boxes as well to get the secondgem.
Rings Of Power Hint
In Level 30: Rings Of Power, press the squarebutton while you are going through a ring to geta HUGE turbo boost. But don't do it in all ofthem because then you'll miss some of the ringsand you'll have to go backwards to go through it.
Unlimited Lives!
In the level Hang 'Em High, (ZONE 2: Dingodile)go for the relic race option once you'vecompleted the level. At the beginning of therelic race, after you take out the sword guy,there will be a genie on a flying carpet near 4boxes. If you destroy the genie and the 4 boxesin the same spin attack, you get a life. Keeprepeating the process until you get as manylives as you want! Since you don't lose a lifeina relic race if you die, you'll keep gettinglives again and again! (NOTE*:- You must takeout all the boxes and the genie in the sametonado spin or you won't get a life. I suggestbeating N.Trophy (BLUE HEAD) first to get theDeath Spin Tornado Ability (Your tornado spinlasts longer, a lot longer) to make getting thegenie and the boxes in the same spin easier)
Get A Silver Gem
You must colect all the boxes in a level to get asilver gem. NOTE: Don't forget to get the boxes inthe bonus levels because they also count.
Double Dinos
In the dinomite level, ride the dinosaur untilyou get to the two nitros. Get off the dinosaurthen run back to the patch of grass then go backto where you left the dinosaur, the 2nd dinosaurwil be up ahead.
Fruit From China
In the stages where you have to ride Pura thetiger on the Great Wall, when you come near awooden structure jump up and hit the baskethanging from it. This should give you some wumpafruit.
10 Extra Lives
Go to the ice stage of the game on the 2nd leveland jump on the little polar bear sitting outside of the warp room jump on him about 15 timesand then you get the lives.
5 Secret Levels
Once you start the game beat every single boss and then go to the middle of the circle. There will be a space pode. Once you see it jump on it as quickly as possible.WARNING you must have at least 5 relics to get to play the 1st secret level then you need 5 more relics to play the 2nd secret level and so on and so forth.
Extra Fruits
You can get extra Wumpa fruits if you jump on themonkeys from some levels. This monkeys appearthrowing something at you.
High Speed Start

In the levels Hog Ride, Road Crash, Orange Asphalt or Area 51; at the beggining, press and hold the X button at the seccond red light. If done correctly, Crash's motorcycle will give off a lot of smoke and will wheelie when the race starts.
Secret Stage #2
On Level 11: take the yellow jem platform to thealternative path; you'll eventually enter an areathat looks similar to the dinosaur chase scene-where you're running toward the 'camera' exceptthere will be no dinosaur chasing you. You'llencounter a series of pterodactytl creatures whofly up in the air as you pass. If you jump intothe clutches of the second pterodactyl, it willcarry you to the top secret level! Level32, 'EGGIPUS REX'
Secret Stage
In Level 14: Road crash, watch for a road signon the left side of the road that dispays analien head symbol rather then a left curve sign,smash into and it you will warp to the secretlevel!!! Have Fun!
Bonus Level
At some level, there will be a platform with this sign ? at the center, jump on and it will proceed to the bonus level.
An Easier Way To Beat Dingodile
There is a much easier way to beat dingodile. Instead of just wait for him toblow away the crystals so you can spin him, you can jump over the crystals beforehe even starts shooting. To do this, you must do you your normal high jumpexcept spin at the top rf the jump to go bit higher and make it over the crystalsto spin him. Just make sure you can get out of the area so don't get blown up!
Hot Cold Hidden Level
When playing level 14, ride thourh the lane don'tworry about being in first just be looking at allthe signs when you see a sign with an alien on itrun into the sign it will automatically transportyou to the level Hot Cold.
Secret Warp Room
If you get 5 relics of any kind the platfom willbe up. Jump on it.
The Secret World
If you beat the first world and have goten allgems, Crystals and gold relics, the circle in themiddle of the warp room will turn into a platformleading to five secret levels. Note: relics have tobe at least gold on all of the levels or it wontwork.
Road Crash Level Hint
Crash Bandicoot 4 Cheats
In the road crash level take out the alien signand it will take you to a secret level called hotcoco.
Hot Cold Hidden Level
Go to Level 14 and ride about half way through the level to find an aliencrossing sign on the left hand side. Run into the sign to be transported to level31.
Spyro The Dragon Demo
When you get to the one screen when you turn on the game ( The welcome menu... I guess) push Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right then Square. At the bottom of the screen it will say spyro the dragon demo select it and press X.
We have no unlockables for Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Eggipus Rex Hidden Level
Go to Level 11 and take the yellow gem ride. Then proceed until reaching the areawhere the huge dinosaur chases Crash. Allow the second pterodactyl to captureCrash to reach level 32.
Crash Bandicoot Ps4 Game Cheats Ps2
We have no glitches for Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Crash Bandicoot For Ps4
Created by: Brett 'Nemesis' Franklin.Read the full guide...
Crash Bandicoot Ps4 Price
Created by: RebelliousSeoul.Read the full guide...