Best Gba Games Pokemon Emerald Cheats

Best Gba Games Pokemon Emerald Cheats 4,0/5 8371 votes
  • If you want to download the game and the emulator you can find it here are some of the cheatsThis Must Be On for pokemon code.
  • The Best Pokemon Emerald Cheats (GameShark Codes) Catch Other Trainer’s Pokemon. Cheat code: B6C5368A 08BE8FF4 B8D95CFE 06ED6EA1 E151C402 8A229A83 8E883EFF 92E9660D. IMPORTANT: Press L+R before. 1st Pokemon Max Stats. Unlimited Master ball in PC (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay.
  • Game Trivia In Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, the Gym Badges names are the same between the English and Japanese Versions, although all other Pokemon games (through the release of X/Y at the time of writing) have had at least one difference.
  • Cheats
  • Unlockables
  • Hints
  • Easter Eggs
  • Glitches

Get the latest Pokemon Emerald cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Pokemon Emerald.

Pokemon Diploma. Catch all 202 Pokemon in the Pokedex, then talk to the Game Designer at the hotel in Lilycove City. To get the Pokemon Virus, go to Route 117 and battle until you think you have it. Then, go to Vandaserf's Pokemon Center and heal. If one of your Pokemon have it, after you heal a new message should appear. To make your life more easy in finding your cheat for your Pokemon game, we have decided to compile all the Pokemon game cheats on a single page. Cheats listed below are all we have in Pokemoncoders’ database. We’re still working to improve this page by adding more cheats of your favorite Pokemon games.

Hidden Rare Candy

Go to the desert and look at all the rocks thatitems are found in. Press 'A' infront of themyou will evenyually find it.

Unlock Eon Ticket

Mix records with a Ruby or Sapphire that has anEon ticket, and Emerald will get the Eon Ticket.Use it at the SS Tidal to go to Southern Island,after the E4. You'll find a forest area that hasan egg in the middle. Press A at the egg to findthe [email protected] you did not choose. ex. If you saidyou saw a Blue Pokemon on the TV(Latios) youwill encounter Latias, and vice versa.

Groudon & Kyorge

You must beat the Elite Four for this to happen.Go to the Weather Institute. Then go upstairs andtalk to the person. He will tell you about eithera drought or heavy rainfall. Drought means thatGroudon is nearby. Severe rainfall means Kyorgeis up and at em'. The guy will tell you whatRoute the weird weather is at. If you're lookingfor Groudon, look for cave entrances thatshouldn't be there. If it's Kyorge you're after,look for Dive spots that shouldn't be there( it'stough!). The poke'mon will be at Lv. 70, so keepyour guard on. They will use Rest on some turns,so you will have an easier chance of catching it.I found out that Ultra Balls have the most effectwhen they are asleep at FULL HP!

Safari Johto Pokemon

If you go to the safari zone before you beat theelite 4 there will be two people in one spotsaying that 'this part of the safari zone isunder construction' but after you beat the elitefour go back it will be open and there you cancatch pokemon from johto. You can't catch thesepokemon anywhere else in the game.

What Your Marshtomp Needs In The Beginning

After defeating the Elite Four, you will meet upwith your parents back at your house. Aftertalking, the TV will start flashing and you willstart watching it. The TV will talk about amysterious flying pokemon only static will blockout the color of the pokemon. After that, yourmom will ask you what color the pokemon was. Ifyou say Red, Latias will appear randomlythroughout Hoenn. If you say Blue, Latios willappear randomly throughout Hoenn.


You get rayquaza at the sky pillar, after the pokemon league. If you go before the sky pillar wont be their.


Go to lilycove city (the place with the poke'mon contests)and go in the contest building. Once there, go right. You should see four silver boxes. Click on one of them. You should start making poke'blocks.

Pokemon Cloning

Put the pokemon you want to clone in an emptybox, then take it out and put it in another box(make sure it's a different box), then save. Butwhen it says 'Saving do not turn off power,'turn it off. The next time you turn the gameback on there should be two of the pokemon youcloned. This could corrupt your save file, so use at your own risk.

Master Ball

In order to get the Master Ball, you have to goto Team Magma's hide out in the city with thepokemon contests. Only use the Master Ball forthe pokemon that is in space.

Safari Zone

The safari zone is still the same. The onlydifferance is there will be 2 more places thatare filled with johto pokemon.


This Pokemon is very easy to obtain, but isquite good. It is the only Bug and Ghost typePokemon. It has 1 HP no matter how high itslevel, but its special power Wonder Guard makesit almost invincible. Wonder Guard protectsagainst all attacks except for those that aresuper effective. For example, Bug is weakagainst Flying types; if someone uses a Flyingtype move on Shedinja, it is going to get hit.To get Shedinja, you will need a Nincada. Youcan catch one on Route 116. Make sure you have afree slot for a new Pokemon (Shedinja). Thatmeans you can have only five Pokemon, includingNincada. Make sure you have at least one of thetype of Pokeball you used to catch Nincada with.For example, if you caught Nincada with a GreatBall, make sure you have at least one GreatBall. Get it to evolve at level 20 into aNinjask and learns three new moves. Once you areback out to the normal screen, go to yourPokemon. You will see that you just got anotherPokemon, Shedinja.


In order to find a Bagon go to Meteor Falls afteryou get Waterfall. Go up the Waterfall and intothe room. go into the first ladder you see. Thenrun to the end of the section. there will be aladder. Go in it. There will be these old peopleand a Dragon Tamer.Then there will be some bumps.MAKE SURE YOU STAY TO THE VERY LEFT OF THEM.There willbe a ladder. Go in it. You willreappear in front of steps. Go down them and surfnorth. Keep surfing until you see a strip of land.Go on it and through the door. Surf until you getto another strip of land. Run around 'till youfind a Bagon. Bagon will evolve into Shelgon atLevel 30. Shelgon will evolve into Salamance atLevel 50.

Yellow Poochyena

There is a yellow poochyena in Petalburg woods.It takes some time to find it.

How To Jump On Your Bike

Go to Mauvile City now you are in front of thepokemon center. Then go to the left into thebike shop talk to the man next to the bikerack.Now get the Acro Bike. Then go out side and holdthe B button down there you have a jumping bike.

Stop Evolving Pokemon

If you push B while a pokemon is evolving and itwill stop evolving.


At the Battle Frontier, go to the southeastcorner by the waterfall. You will need to useyour Wailmer Pail fight him. Be sure to savebecause this is your only chance to catch it.

Where To Find A Shiny Red Geodude

After you beat Team Magma in their hideout go back and search it after its been deserted. There is a small chance that you will find a shiny red Geodude.


Are you getting sick of going into grass, water, and caves and can't even take 10 steps without meeting a pokemon that is common or you already caught and can't afford a repel here's your answer. Make sure you have the clense tag and the black flute give the first pokemon the clense tag and use the black flute and you should be able to walk and have less wild pokemon jumping at you. Beware go through a door, cave, or different route use the black flute again.

Berry Fix

Hit and hold select and B while at the picture of the glowing Rayquaza and then it says you can use berry fix with ruby/sapphire. Also works with leafgreen and firered.

After Game Tips

Hi! After you beat the elite 4, go to the battle frontier. Talk to this one person. They'll say there's a weird tree. Its not a tree. Its a level 40 sudowoodo. Surf on the water near it. Go left as far as you can on the water. There's a cave. Its full of level 40 and up smeargle. Fly to the fossil maniacs house (same house where you get dig). Go in the door. The fossil maniac found a tunnel. He tells you its dangourouse and there's probably no fossils. Hes wrong. In the tunnel, there are ditos and whismur and loudred. The dittos not the prize. You no the fossil at in the desert you don't choose? Its at the end but it takes forever to reach the end. And altering from fire red and leaf green is there. I guess its called altering cave because alters regions. Its near the water on the route to the right of oldale (also I could say surf to the other plot of land where you first battle may). So presto! You now have 2 or three new pokemon and can go to kanto! Oh and if you talk to the guy on the top floor of the weather institute, he'll tell you about droghts and rain storms in unusual areas (AKA, its where groudon/kyogre are).

Eevee Evolutions

Eevee+Fire stone=flaereon
Eevee+Water stone=vapoeron
If it evolves in the morning or the afternoon, it will evolve into a Espeon. If it evolves at night, it will evolve into a Umbreon. I swear that I have done this and it worked.

Easier Way To Catch Latios/Latias

In order to catch Latios/Latias, you must have a pokemon in your party that knows Mean Look or Block. Trapinch's Arena Trap is not enough to prevent Latios/Latias. I read that Arena Trap doesn't work on Flying-type Pokemon and Pokemon with Levitate.

In-game Reset

Slakoth's are rare and very hard to catch and train but they are incredibly worth while. First play up to the Petalsburg Woods and on the first grass patch to the right there are some slakoth's in bushes waiting to be captured. What you should do is stock up on poke balls (like 5) and have a pokemon that can use growl/tail whip etc. And damage it to the red zone, lower that stats and boom throw the poke ball. NOTE: Slakoths are rare but alive be patient. Though hard to raise use an exp share or something.


You can find Miltank in the Safari Zone afteryou beat the Elite Four. They are in the newarea.

Mirage Island

Mirage Island is an invisble Island located onRoute 130. Most of the time it will be invisiblebut on rare cases, the island will be visible.To find out if the island is there or not, go toPacifidlog Town and talk to the old man in thebottom right house looking out the window. Hewill tell you wheter the island is there or not.The cause is unknown so a bit of luck is neededto find it. On the island you will find the rareLeichi Berry that powers up your Pokemon'sattack in battle when it gets weak. In thegrass, you will only find Wild Wynauts.

Prizes From Scott

Talk to Scott in his house in the Battle Frontier, he'll give you certaindecorations/berries depending on your accomplishments in the Battle Frontier.

Trainer Card Color Upgrades

As you accomplish more along your journey, yourTrainer Card will change colors and rise inrank, depending on completing certain tasks.After completing one task, it will rise in onerank, but there are some tasks that cannot becompleted until beating the Elite Four. You mustdo these tasks:

Unlock Beldum

Fly to Steven's house after you beat the Elitefour, you will get a level 5 Beldum.

The Diploma

Capture all 386 pokemon in your pokedex. Then goto the hotel in Lilycove City and talk to theGame Designer. You will unlock the NationalPokedex Diploma.

Unlock Battle Frontier

Once you beat the Elite Four, you can go to theBattle Frontier.

Catching GSC Pokemon At The Safari Zone

After you defeated the Elite Four, go to theUpgraded Safari Zone. In the Safari, you cancatch some GSC Pokemon such as Houndour, Aipom,Stantler, Mareep, Miltank, and more GSC Pokemon.This Unlockable works only in Pokemon Emerald.

Shiny Pokemon

Every time you encounter a pokemon you have a1/8192 chance of the pokemon being a differentcolor, this is called a shiny pokemon.


You can find an Altaria in Sky Pillar on the 5thfloor. They are rare , but powerful.

Shiny Whismur

There is a SHINY Tentacool in Route 131, on theway to Sky Pillar, by Pacifidlog Town. The chancesare slim, but worth the effort.

Blend Master

After playing the game for about 150+ hours,check the nearest TV. What should come up is amessage from Pokemon News saying that thefamed 'Blend Master' will be found in theLilycove Contest Hall. He'll dish out berriesyou've never seen before, and will make onecolor pokeblock; Gold, lever 52 at least. Thisis very helpful for those who enter contests.

Get A Seedot

You may have been wondering where to get aSeedot through out Poke'mon Emerald. It's quieteasy! You need to get your pokemon to aroundlevel 15+. (This is to ensure that it likes youa lot.) Go to the area where Wally caught hisRalts (you should know where this is, you wentwith him) and search for one. Once you catch aRalts, go to the house to the right of theRustboro gym. Talk to the guy sitting in thechair next to the table. He will trade you hisSeedot for your Ralts!

Catch Bagon

Go to Metor Falls, if you get to the back of thecave, surf across the water, there is a littlestrip of land where you can catch Bagon.

Shoal Cave

Go north from mossdeep city. Go north until yousee some twins. Next to them you should see thecave.

Catch Groudon And Kyogre Easily

Before you start your quest to capture Groudonand/or Kyogre, you should stock up on timerballs at Rustburo city. Go to the WeatherInstitute and talk to the scientist on the 2ndfloor. Go to the route that the scientist saidhad strange weather. Find a cave (Groudon) or anarea to dive (Kyogre). Save your game and facethe legendary pokemon. Stay in battle for avery,very long time. Weaken the pokemon and throwtimer balls until you catch it. It worked for me.

Faster Credits

Pokemon Gba Games Free Download

During the end credits, Hold the B button tomake them go faster.


After the Sudowoodo is gone at the BattleFrontier, use surf to go into the water. Don'tbother looking for a pokemon in the waterbecause there aren't any. Keep going left untilyou see a cave called Artistan Cave full ofSmeargle. They don't call it Artistan Cave fornothing.

Groudon And Kyogre

Beat the Elite Four and talk to the man in thetop floor of the Weather Institute. He will saywhere the strange weather is and then a littlecave or underwater cave will appear. That'swhere they will be.

National Pokedex

Beat the Elite Four and Prof. Birch will giveyou and your rival the National Pokedex. It canhold the information about Pokemon from otherregions.


Beat the Elite Four and then go to Steven'shouse in Mossdeep City.

Battle Frontier

Beat the Elite Four then Scott will call you andinvite you to come with him to the BattleFrontier. It's a place where you can battle inall these different places. You'd have to takethe SS Anne to get there.

Altering Cave

Beat the Elite Four then you will find itlocated on Route 103. You won't really findanything but weak Zubat there. If you're lookingto catch a Zubat, Altering Cave's the place foryou.


He is found at the safari zone when you rocksmash. You have a 10% chance of finding himbecause of the popular geodude.

All Gba Pokemon Games

Johto Starters

To be rewarded with the 3 Johto starters(Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Chikorita) you mustcatch all 200 pokemon (excluding Jirachi andDeoxys.)

Hidden Rare Candy

There are lots of Hidden Rare Candies but this onewas hard to find. Go to the Abandon ship but dontgo inside. when you are there surf down to therocks then Go straight to the right. You willfight a girl swimmer. Go on the patch of shallowwater to her right. There is a rare candy behindthe small rock.

Buy Master Balls/ Rare Candies (4800)

Cheat Type: Code Breaker
Code for master balls: 82205274 0001
Code for rare candies:82205274 0044

Exploring Cheats Video

Pretty Pedals Flower Shop

To unlock Pretty Pedals Flower Shop obtain theTm43 Secret Power.

The Perfect Match-Egg Results

Check a male and a female Pokemon into the daycare- you definitely won't get an egg out of thepairing otherwise. As soon as you check them in,speak to the man who tends the day-care parkoutside. He'll tell you whether the pair ofPokemon is likely to have an egg. If it is,return to the day-care later. If he's standingoutside the park, he's got an egg for you. If hesays, 'They're very friendly...' it's extremelylikely that your pokemon will have an egg. If hesays, 'The two seem to get along...' That meansit's somewhat likely that they'll have an egg.If he says, 'The two don't seem to like eachother...' That means it's not very likely forthem to have an egg. And last, if he says, 'Thetwo prefer to play with other Pokemon...' If hesays that, there's no way they'll make eggs.

How To Hatch An Egg

To hatch a Pokemon egg, carry it with you untilthe Pokemon breaks out of its shell. For thefastest possible hatcher, the pokemon in yourparty should all be as healthy and as happy ascan be. Eggs rarely hatch quickly, so beprepared to carry the egg for the long haul.

We have no glitches for Pokemon Emerald yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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Pokemon Games For Gba

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Best Gba Games Pokemon Emerald Cheats Rom

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Best Gba Games Pokemon Emerald Cheats Gameshark

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Pokemon Emerald Gba Cheats Emulator

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Pokemon Emerald Gameboy Advance Cheats

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Gba Emulator Emerald Cheats

Pokemon Emerald Cheats – Emerald Gameshark Codes for GBA
Keep going refreshed on
Welcome to the universe of Pokemon Emerald, similar to me, I likewise delighted in playing the game. Be that as it may, to make it increasingly fun, it would be the best to change the game a tad utilizing Pokemon Emerald swindles.
In Pokemon gaming, there are a few known and most loved cheats utilized by gamers; the Stroll Through Dividers, Uncommon Sweets, Ace ball, wild Pokemon modifier, and Incredible. Right now cheat codes for Pokemon Emerald, You are going to reveal the most famously utilized cheat codes and a greater amount of them.
Pokemon Emerald GameShark Codes
These Gameshark codes will work just for Pokemon Emerald form with Gameboy Advance upheld emulators. Pokemon Emerald gamers previously confirmed practically these codes; be that as it may, it may not work for you when you neglect to adhere to the guidelines in applying such cheat codes like entering the ace codes.
Likewise observe: How to Fix Not Working and Glitchy Cheats
In any case, in the event that you think you previously did what is asked in the guidelines, don't hesitate to post your remarks with your inquiries and issues, including the data of the cheat you need to actuate right now.
For Novices: See our Novice's Guide area.
Update: Pokemon Nature Modifier Cheat Now Accessible
The most anticipated cheat has at long last here. The Pokemon Nature modifier cheat is one of the most mentioned cheats by our perusers. A Pokemon's temperament assumes an essential job in raising more grounded and fiercer Pokemon, and when utilized effectively, it has a colossal effect.
To relish the advantages of Pokemon nature, checking our Pokemon Nature Graph is enthusiastically prescribed. Utilizing the diagram, you'll be guided on what details to improve as indicated by your Pokemon's inclination.
Pokemon Emerald Cheats – Gameshark Codes
Actuating the cheats utilizing My Kid free form
In case you're utilizing My Kid free form, every one of various liner cheats won't work for you. My Kid requires the paid adaptation for you to enact various liner swindles.
Be that as it may, there's a simple stunt to sidestep this impediment – Enter the lines of codes as a different cheat. Sounds muddled? Not so much, and I made a guide on how you can do it, check How To Empower Various Liner Cheat Codes on My Kid Free Form. I additionally made this Youtube video for you to see the instructional exercise in real life.
Catch Other Coach's Pokemon (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Activity Replay)
Watch the video: See Catch Coach's Pokemon Undermine Emerald on Youtube
Cheat code:
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
E151C402 8A229A83
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Significant: Press L+R before tossing the Pokeball to get a mentor's Pokemon and to abstain from getting a rotten one.
first Pokemon Max Details (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Activity Replay)
Pokemon Emerald Max Details
Note: You can initiate them at the same time or exclusively.
35A039FD B90C0C5B = Max HP
973FBE3F EDC8200D = Max Assault
979050AE 6F56B497 = Max Safeguard
E9B89F9D C73B5749 = Max SP Assault
DBC9F375 30D76D78 = Max SP Safeguard
35B2E18D FC573426 = Max Speed
Boundless Ace ball in PC (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Activity Replay
Pokemon Emerald Ace ball cheat in PC
Ace code:
B749822B CE9BFAC1
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3
Cheat code:
128898B6 EDA43037
Berries (Cheat type: Code Breaker)
Emerald Berry Thing Cheat
Step by step instructions to Utilize: Enter code 82005274 0YYY and supplant YYY with thing digits, go to Pokemart and buy the main thing in the purchase list. The main thing is your picked berry.
Model: Enter code 82005274 0085 for Cheri berry.
085 – Cheri Berry
086 – Chesto Berry
087 – Pecha Berry
088 – Rawst Berry
089 – Aspear Berry
08A – Leppa Berry
08B – Oran Berry
08C – Persim Berry
08D – Lum Berry
08E – Sitrus Berry
08F – Figy Berry
090 – Wiki Berry
091 – Mago Berry
092 – Aguav Berry
093 – Iapapa Berry
094 – Razz Berry
095 – Bluk Berry
096 – Nanab Berry
097 – Wepear Berry
098 – Pinap Berry
099 – Pomeg Berry
09A – Kelpsy Berry
09B – Qualot Berry
09C – Hondew Berry
09D – Grepa Berry
09E – Tamato Berry
09F – Cornn Berry
0A0 – Magost Berry
0A1 – Rabuta Berry
0A2 – Nomel Berry
0A3 – Spelon Berry
0A4 – Pamtre Berry
0A5 – Watmel Berry
0A6 – Durin Berry
0A7 – Belue Berry
0A8 – Liechi Berry
0A9 – Ganlon Berry
0AA – Salac Berry
0AB – Petaya Berry
0AC – Apicot Berry
0AD – Lansat Berry
0AE – Starf Berry
0AF – Riddle Berry
Hold Things (Cheat type: Code Breaker)
Pokemon Emerald Hold thing cheat
The most effective method to utilize: Supplant YYY with the hold thing id
82005274 0YYY
Model: Utilize the code 82005274 00D6 to get Twistedspoon.
Where to get the thing:
Go to Shop and buy the primary thing in the purchase list. See the thing in your sack.
0B3 = Brightpowder
0B4 = White Herb
0B5 = Macho Support
0B6 = Exp Offer
0B7 = Speedy Paw
0B8 = Calm Ringer
0B9 = Mental Herb
0BA = Decision Band
0BB = Lords Rock
0BC = Silverpowder
0BD = Special necklace Coin
0BE = Wash down Tag
0BF = Soul Dew
0C0 = Remote ocean Tooth
0C1 = Remote ocean Scale
0C2 = Smoke Ball
0C3 = Everstone
0C4 = Center Band
0C5 = Fortunate Egg
0C6 = Degree Focal point
0C7 = Metal Coat
0C8 = Scraps
0C9 = Monster Scope
0CA = Light Ball
0CB = Delicate Sand
0CC = Hard Stone
0CD = Marvel Seed
0CE = Dark Glasses
0CF = Dark Belt
0D0 = Magnet
0D1 = Spiritualist Water
0D2 = Sharp Bill
0D3 = Toxin Spike
0D4 = Nevermeltice
0D5 = Spell Tag
0D6 = Twistedspoon
0D7 = Charcoal
0D8 = Mythical serpent Tooth
0D9 = Silk Scarf
0DA = Up=Grade
0DB = Shell Chime
0DC = Ocean Incense
0DD = Remiss Incense
0DE = Fortunate Punch
0DF = Metal Powder
0E0 = Thick Club
0E1 = Stick
0FE = Red Scarf
0FF = Blue Scarf
100 = Pink Scarf
101 = Green Scarf
102 = Yellow Scarf
Mixtures (Cheat type: Code Breaker)
Pokemon emerald mixture swindles
Instructions to utilize: Enter code 82005274 0YYY and supplant YYY with the mixture id, enter Pokemart and buy the primary thing in the rundown.
00D = Mixture
00E = Counteractant
00F = Consume Recuperate
010 = Ice Recuperate
011 = Arousing
012 = Paralyz recuperate
013 = Full Reestablish
014 = Max Mixture
015 = Hyper Mixture
016 = Super Elixir
Msc Things (Cheat type: Code Breaker)
msc thing cheat emerald
The most effective method to utilize: Supplant YYY with the thing id
82005274 0YYY
Model: Utilize the code 82005274 0019 to get Max restore.
Where to get the thing:
Go to Shop and buy the primary thing in the purchase list.
017 = Full Mend
018 = Restore
019 = Max Restore
01A = New Water
01B = Soft drink
01C = Lemonade
01D = MooMoo Milk
01E = Vitality Powder
01F = Vitality Root
020 = Mend Powder
021 = Restoration Herb
022 = Ether
023 = Max Ether
024 = Mixture
025 = Max Mixture
026 = Magma Treat
027 = Blue Woodwind
028 = Yellow Woodwind
029 = Red Woodwind
02A = Dark Woodwind
02B = White Woodwind
02C = Berry Juice
02D = Sacrosanct Debris
02E = Reef Salt
02F = Reef Shell
030 = Red Shard
031 = Blue Shard
032 = Yellow Shard
033 = Green Shard
03F = HR Up
040 = Protein
041 = Iron
042 = Carbos
043 = Calcium
044 = Uncommon Treats
045 = PP Up
046 = Zinc
047 = PP Max
049 = Gatekeeper Spec
04A = Desperate Hit
04B = X Assault
04C = X Protect
04D = X Speed
04E = X Precision
04F = X Unique
050 = Jab Doll
051 = Cushy Tail
053 = Fire Stone
054 = Max Repulse
055 = Getaway Rope
056 = Repulse
05D = Sun Stone
05E = Moon Stone
05F = Fire Stone
060 = Thunder Stone
061 = Water Stone
062 = Leaf Stone
067 = Modest Mushroom
068 = Large Mushroom
06A = Pearl
06B = Large Pearl
06C = Stardust
06D = Star Piece
06E = Chunk
06F = Heart Scale
Msc Things (Cheat type: Code Breaker)
msc thing cheat emerald
Instructions to utilize: Supplant YYY with the thing id
82005274 0YYY
Model: Utilize the code 82005274 0019 to get Max resuscitate.
Where to get the thing:
Go to Bazaar and buy the main thing in the purchase list.
017 = Full Mend
018 = Restore
019 = Max Restore
01A = New Water
01B = Soft drink
01C = Lemonade
01D = MooMoo Milk
01E = Vitality Powder
01F = Vitality Root
020 = Mend Powder
021 = Restoration Herb
022 = Ether
023 = Max Ether
024 = Solution
025 = Max Solution
026 = Magma Treat
027 = Blue Woodwind
028 = Yellow Woodwind
029 = Red Woodwind
02A = Dark Woodwind
02B = White Woodwind
02C = Berry Juice
02D = Hallowed Debris
02E = Reef Salt
02F = Reef Shell
030 = Red Shard
031 = Blue Shard
032 = Yellow Shard
033 = Green Shard
03F = HR Up
040 = Protein
041 = Iron
042 = Carbos
043 = Calcium
044 = Uncommon Treats
045 = PP Up
046 = Zinc
047 = PP Max
049 = Watchman Spec
04A = Critical Hit
04B = X Assault
04C = X Safeguard
04D = X Speed
04E = X Exactness
04F = X Uncommon
050 = Jab Doll
051 = Feathery Tail
053 = Fire Stone
054 = Max Repulse
055 = Getaway Rope
056 = Repulse
05D = Sun Stone
05E = Moon Stone
05F = Fire Stone
060 = Thunder Stone
061 = Water Stone
062 = Leaf Stone
067 = Little Mushroom
068 = Enormous Mushroom
06A = Pearl
06B = Enormous Pearl
06C = Stardust
06D = Star Piece
06E = Chunk
06F = Heart Scale
Wild Pokemon Sexual orientation Modifier (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Activity Replay)
7F06853C D823D089
0A694B5A 43A6964F
7F06853C D823D089
7980105E FC3721D0
Note: The cheat won't work to any current Pokemon you have. Stroll in the wild to experience the Pokemon with your picked sex.
Boundless Ace Ball in Pokemart (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Activity Replay)
Watch video: See Emerald Ace ball undermine Youtube
Emerald boundless Ace ball cheat
Step by step instructions to use: In the wake of actuating the cheat, check Pokemart and purchase the Masterball.
Cheat code:
958D8046 A7151D70
8BB602F7 8CEB681A
Elective code:
82005274 0001 (Enter the code and buy the main thing in the purchase list for just $0, the bought thing is an ace ball)
Emerald 0 Ace ball in Bazaar cheat
Boundless EXP (Cheat type: Code Breaker)
Pokemon Emerald EXP Cheat
Note: This cheat will give you 9999 exp focuses, to quit step up essentially cripple the cheat. See Pokemon Emerald Exp undermine Youtube.